Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday vs. Shampoo

I am in a really good mood today. Some folks have hypothesized that my mood is solely dependant upon the day of the week. I, personally, think it's my shampoo.

Kuz recently suggested that I try a shampoo that was sulfite (I think) free . . . said that it was really good for sensitive skin. I started looking around and found that Burt's Bees has just such a thing in their repertoire. I was really convinced to try when I saw their new volumizing product, "Very Volumizing Pomegranate & Soy Shampoo" on

I'm a big fan of the Pomegranate in general. Ever since Oprah and Rachel Ray hosted their Holiday Party, I look for Pomegranate Martinis on menus and am never disappointed. Those magical little tart seeds are fantastic (except for accident prone people wearing white)!

Likewise, I was not at all disappointed in this shampoo. While being sulfite free means that it won't lather up into a big George-Washington-like foam mass, it definitely cleans very well, it is lasting and lasting and lasting. (Scott and I usually go through a bottle of shampoo in a month . . . this bottle seems to be lasting for twice as long.) And, can I tell you how good my hair smells? I basically just sit here sniffing it all day.

So, if you get a chance, try this shampoo . . . or at least come smell my hair. :)

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